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Horoscopes: Aries


You know which is which - so use that knowledge to your advantage. Something you and a friend thought was a mutual understanding could come unstuck, perhaps quite dramatically. If you're itching for a change, wait a couple of days to see if it passes before making any radical moves. Your words have weight, and your actions might produce something of great meaning. A steadying influence around the home front enables you to draw closer to those you love.

Other Horoscopes

Horoscopes: Taurus


There's a lot of confusion about, and misunderstandings can quickly be blown out of all proportion. Just because you're not running around like mad, however, that doesn't mean you have to be bored. Is there a local charity shop who might need some volunteer work doing? Think laterally and offer you skills and your time to whoever seems to need them most. Afternoon connections, though, are friendly and charming. A trip or visit may get on the agenda, perhaps unexpectedly.

Horoscopes: Gemini


Expect some emotional tension in the air as ideas are powerful and business interests are stimulated. If you're serious about getting ahead on the job, now's the time to make your pitch. People won't hesitate to tell you what they think, but that can work to your advantage. Your ruler, the Sun, newly in Capricorn, brings responsibilities and a more serious attitude. A relationship may be reaching a turning point.

Horoscopes: Cancer


Quite simply, you're a joy to be around today - and it shows. As a general rule of thumb, the more time the effects of your decision will last for, the more time you should demand before you make it. If you and your mates can get together and do something truly unusual at school, you'll make many wonderful memories. Tonight stimulates your friendship sector. Cooperation and compromise are important.

Horoscopes: Leo


Let your daydreams run riot. Grab yourself some privacy and listen to your thoughts. Your desire to rush ahead is doing you no favours - you really need to make sure that lose ends are tied up and that you have dotted all those I's and crossed all those t's. The pace of communications steps up. That means you must be responsible.

Horoscopes: Virgo


It's not deliberate, though. but hey, Libra, try to concentrate for more than five minutes at a time. Your ruler, Mars, changes sign, boosting your ambition. There are serious currents in the air. It's a good time to make progress, as long as you don't push for immediate results.

Horoscopes: Libra


Today a truly special person will cross your path. With such a materialistic outlook you may forget little things like tact, kindness and courtesy. Someone really likes you. The New Moon provides insight into intimate relations. Your judgement can be off, especially concerning work and health.

Horoscopes: Scorpio


An improvement is in the offing, all good ideas need time to mature, and everything needs to be thought through again, quietly. You'll be keen to zip through your chores at home and your lessons at school, and you'll enjoy tidying up, clearing your clutter and generally getting your life in order. No matter who you upset or how many mistakes you make, you'll be able to find the funny side - and that, in turn, will encourage others to forgive you too. A most happy influence gives you extra power and determination. Know your limits and respect them.

Horoscopes: Sagittarius


And you probably are. Try to tone down the I-know-best, just a little. Background obligations or fatigue keeps you secluded early, but amiable relations and captivating conversations draw you out. But watch lunchtime discord with a loved one or pal, and don't force your agenda. Intense or unyielding reactions in the morning lead to having to make uncomfortable adaptations all day.

Horoscopes: Capricorn


Make sure you know your facts before you start the discussion. Rather than being offended, give them some space. You'll have to accept that you're just too far ahead of your time, especially if you turn in an English essay which "challenges" your teacher. Expect some emotional tension in the air as ideas are powerful and business interests are stimulated. Cancelled plans, upsetting opinions, sudden changes of mind, communications snafus, or broken promises disrupt travel plans or disturb a happy frame of mind.

Horoscopes: Aquarius


or Taurus' Sunday, at least. Be true to yourself. You're benefitting from a fresh outlook on life, new opportunities and new attitudes. You may discover a talent you didn't know you had. Your outlook is upbeat, expectant.

Horoscopes: Pisces


No matter how cross you've been recently, you're starting to understand that some things simply don't matter very much in the Grand Scheme of Life - and that some wounds are best healed ASAP rather than being left to fester. Despite your sign's reputation for being rather…. Meanwhile, do what you have to do with a smile. restlessness gets edgier at noon. You may feel uneasy, and may have trouble putting your finger on the reason why.
