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Directing Traffic Downtown

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Angels Camp, CA — The Angels Camp City Council hopes to boost business with the help of Caltrans. The council wants to have two signs put up on Highway 4 alerting traffic they are going by downtown Angels Camp. The council recently approved for the Mayor to write Caltrans requesting the signage.

City Engineer David Myers says, “When you’re traveling on Highway 4 you can only see the businesses adjacent to the highway so we want people to know there is a business district off of the highway. It’s more of a traveler’s aid and the secondary benefit is it will bring traffic down to businesses in Angels Camp.”

The business route the city wants to use would be from the intersection of Highway 4 and 49 going south on 49 through Angels Camp to Vallecito Road and then back up to highway 4.
Also, motorists will notice a speed limit change on Highway 49 in the city soon. The council approved some Caltrans changes in various sections including going from 35mph to 45 mph on the north end of the city.

Myers says motorists beware, “The main reason behind the switch is so radar can be used.”

  • Angels Camp