As noted here Caltrans opened the passes but weather and Yosemite’s closure will limit travel.
On the Highway in Sonora at Woods Creek expect intermittent one-way traffic control for bridgework. The night work is scheduled Sunday through Friday from 8 PM to 6 AM.
On Highway 108 at Peaceful Oak Road, bridgework will intermittently limit traffic to one-way. The work will also be at night from 8 PM to 6 AM Sunday thought Friday.
On Highway 108 from Herring Creek Road to Beardsley Reservoir Road, there will be one-way traffic control for slope repair and clearing. The work is scheduled between 7 AM to 7 PM Monday through Saturday. Beyond that at the Stanislaus River Bridge, there will be more intermittent one-way traffic control for bridgework. That work is scheduled from Monday through Friday from 6 AM to 6 PM.
On Highway 26 in Amador and Calaveras Counties from Highway 88 to Highway 49/Mokelumne Hill be aware of a moving closure of one of the two lanes for road striping operations. The work is scheduled to begin Monday and end Thursday from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM. Also on Highway 26 from Mongomery Drive to the North Fork Mokelumne River Bridge traffic will be restricted to one-way for tree work. The work is scheduled Monday through Saturday from 8 AM to 3 PM.
On Highway 120 curb, gutter, sidewalk work from Ponderosa Lane to Ferretti Road will limit traffic to one-way. At Ferretti and Highway 120 there will also be drainage work. The work is planned Monday through Friday from 6 AM to 4 PM and the drainage work at Ferretti Road will be the same days from 6 AM to 6 PM. Also, on Highway 120, road grinding and paving from Ferretti Road to the Yosemite National Park Boundry will limit traffic to one-way. The work is planned Monday through Friday from 7 AM to 6 PM Monday through Friday. On Highway 120 from Golden Arrow Road to Hardin Flat Road one-way traffic control for drainage work will delay traffic for ten minutes. The work is Monday through Friday from 6 AM to 6 PM.
These road projects are subject to change due to traffic incidents, weather, availability of equipment, and/or materials and construction-related issues. Caltrans asks motorists to obey signage and flaggers while slowing down around crews and equipment in the cone zones.
For Caltrans traffic information for Highway’s 4, 49, 59, 108, and 120 plus a view of traffic on other Mother Lode roads and gas prices click on “Traffic” or keyword: traffic For an overview of extreme weather news stories go here.