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ELECTION COVERAGE – Tuolumne County Board of Supervisors

Three seats are up for election on the Tuolumne County Board of Supervisors, and a couple of contingencies could make for an interesting outcome.

In Tuolumne County District Five… incumbent Dick Pland is up against Ken Young.

In District Four… candidate Sharlene Winn Reed is challenging incumbent Mark Thornton.

And in District One… candidates Randall Selesia and Liz Bass compete against current supervisor Larry Rotelli.

An interesting note about the race in Tuolumne County District One… the winner needs to get fifty-percent-plus one of the votes. With three candidates in the race, it´s a possibility that no one will get half-plus-one of the votes cast.

Tuolumne Count Elections Clerk Tim Johnson says if that happened, the top two vote-getters would have a run-off election in November.

In addition, if Liz Bass should win the county seat in District One, she would have to resign her seat on the Sonora City Council. That would mean potentially another election to fill the position vacated by Bass.

Polls are open until 8pm.

This post was last modified on 01/31/2009 4:31 pm