CA – For the first time ever, Yosemite will hold a Sustainability Conference regarding environmental issues.
The three-day conference’s goal, according to park officials, is to help local and state businesses, government agencies, and non-profit organizations transition to economic, environmental, and social sustainability. The conference will tackle issues such as climate change, greenhouse gas reduction, water management, energy management, waste stream reduction and transportation fuels.
“We’re hoping that people will walk away with knowledge about sustainable practices,” explains park spokesperson Ashley Mayers, “How to be more sustainable in today’s present day, different technologies that are available that align with sustainability. Hopefully, it will be an educational opportunity and a chance for folks to collaborate on sustainability.”
Mayers adds attendees will learn from the experts on how to implement solutions, tools, resources, and the best practices from water, energy, waste management and air resources.
Keynote speakers include:
For more information click here or call (209) 962-7990.
This post was last modified on 11/22/2014 11:50 am
Written by Tracey Petersen.
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