Valley Springs, CA — The Valley Springs Paving Project will cause motorists delays on six sections of area roadways for the rest of this month and next month.
Calaveras County has hired American Pavement Systems, Inc. (APS) based in Modesto to complete the project. It begins on Friday, May 6th, and runs through the end of June, with the paving and repair work taking place between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays.
There will be one-lane traffic with flaggers, pilot cars, and warning devices directing travelers. Motorists can expect up to 10-minute delays on these roadways during the project. County roads officials provided the below sections of roadways impacted by the project:
Motorists and pedestrians are urged to use caution and observe all traffic control signs and instructions of onsite personnel in the cone zone areas. For questions regarding the project, contact Calaveras County Public Works at (209) 754-6401.
Written by Tracey Petersen.
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