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Prescribed Burns Scheduled For Big Trees

Calaveras County, CA — Beginning today Calaveras Big Trees State Park will begin its annual wood and debris burning.

Prescribed burns will be ignited intermittently throughout the fall, winter and spring. The overall goal of the fire management program is to mimic the natural role that fire once played in the ecosystem. The park reports that fire reduces harmful forest insects, clears fallen debris from the forest floor and reduces the threat of catastrophic wildfire. The state park will remain open throughout the prescribed burning, but smoke may be visible. Some drift smoke may travel into surrounding communities.

The state park will coordinate the burning with local air pollution control districts in Tuolumne and Calaveras counties to limit the impacts of the smoke. Anyone with questions about the prescribed burn program can contact the State Park’s Central Valley District Natural Resources Office at 209-536-2887.

Written by BJ Hansen.

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Tags: CaliforniaFire