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Discussion On Lifting State Tap Restrictions

Fresno, CA — California water officials will talk about possibly easing or dropping mandatory conservation measures for part of the state this week.

The State Water Resources Control Board will review a new regional approach to saving water, which would change retractions for Northern California where the El Nino has helped, but keep the stricter rules on residents of drier Southern California.

State Water Resources Control Board Chair Felicia Marcus says, “We’re willing to listen to everybody’s best ideas.  We have to be thoughtful about it.”

Statewide conservation rules began last year after Governor Jerry Brown ordered residents to use 25 percent less water compared to 2013, the year before he declared a drought emergency.  Later that mandate was lowered to 20 percent less water use.  In addition, due out Monday are the conservation figures for Californians for February, which is the ninth and final month of reporting under the governor’s 25 percent mandate.

As previously reported, on Tuesday Tri-Dam Partner Oakdale Irrigation District (OID) will join Bureau of Reclamation officials as they present their proposed operational plan for the remainder of the water-year at a public State Water Board session.

This post was last modified on 04/04/2016 9:13 am

Written by Tracey Petersen.

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