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Calaveras Sheriff’s Updating Surveillance Camera Database

Calaveras, CA– The Calaveras County Sheriff’s Office is getting the word out to residents and businesses with surveillance cameras on their property. The Sheriff’s Office would like to update its database to catalog the surveillance cameras in the community. The reasoning is that as crimes occur, deputies and detectives can reach out to residents and businesses in the area to see if their system has captured information that can help solve the case.

Video surveillance is seen as one of the best methods for apprehending criminals and convicting suspects who are caught committing a crime. If anyone is interested in participating in this partnership, they are requested to register their camera. If you have previously provided this information you do not need to resubmit this information. This program is free for anyone who wants to participate. All video gathered will be kept confidential and will only be viewed by Sheriff personnel. Participation is voluntary. For more information click here.

Written by Nic Peterson

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Tags: Crime and Court