Sonora, CA – The Superior Court of the State of California and Tuolumne County, will introduce a new program aimed at ensuring individuals summoned for jury service fulfill their legal obligation. The court’s objective is to ensure a fair distribution of jury service among eligible citizens within the county. While California has implemented the one-day or one-trial program to simplify jury service, some individuals disregard their jury summons, creating challenges for courts statewide in acquiring an adequate number of jurors for trials.
Effective Tuesday, June 20th, the court will initiate a process where postcards will be sent to individuals who failed to appear for jury service, urging them to contact the court to schedule a new date or face potential penalties. Under the new program, individuals who fail to appear for jury service may be held in contempt of court, which could result in fines and/or incarceration. Additionally, the court may impose reasonable monetary sanctions as an alternative to a finding of contempt. However, at any point during the process, summoned jurors can opt to fulfill their service and avoid the consequences of non-compliance.
The court emphasizes that the primary objective of this program is to encourage summoned individuals to appear for jury service rather than to penalize them. Therefore, the new program provides several opportunities for individuals to fulfill their jury service and avoid any adverse consequences.
More details about California jury service can be found here.
Written by Nic Peterson
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