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Realtor Association Shares View On Lack Of Affordable Housing

Sonora, CA — Adam Wilson, President of The Tuolumne County Association of REALTORS®, calls the current lack of affordable housing a “challenge facing the state and our local community.” He states, “While daunting, it is not insurmountable. We need to get serious and act now.”

Wilson calls it “California’s mounting housing affordability crisis.” Noting the lack of housing, specifically construction of new homes and new rental housing in Tuolumne is “driving out our young working families and inhibiting our ability to grow our economy by depriving it of much needed skilled workers.”

Those statements and more are from his newest blog where Wilson details how state and local government, individuals and leaders can help. He provides details on various proposals and bills that Governor Jerry Brown and other elected officials have submitted to encourage and support new housing through the permit, planing and development process. Wilson states education on the issue could decrease “Not in my back yard” (NIMBY) attitudes and limit lawsuits. To view his statements in full, check out his blog “Lack of Affordable Housing: Causes and Consequences” here.

Written by Sabrina Biehl.

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