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Repairs Completed To Reopen Old Priest Grade

Groveland, CA — Traffic is moving freely today on Old Priest Grade.

We reported earlier that the road was closed over the weekend due to a notable hole that emerged in a section that was recently repaired.

Old Priest Grade was initially closed last March due to storm damage, and it reopened just over a week ago, following extensive repair work. Less than a week later the new issue appeared.

At yesterday’s Board of Supervisors meeting, Board Chair Kathleen Haff stated, that to her understanding, “The two overlays of asphalt on the downhill side of the repair did not seal properly and it caused a problem with a hole.”

The Tuolumne County Public Works Department reports this morning that the contractor repaved the downhill lane, which was still under warranty, and the work wrapped up late yesterday.

Supervisor Haff noted that no additional issues with the Old Priest Grade repairs are anticipated.

Written by BJ Hansen.

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