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Keeping Your Pet Safe From Deadly Rabies

Angels Camp, CA – Pets can be expensive, but Calaveras County Animal Services wants to make sure the cost does not stop residents from getting the rabies vaccine, so they are making it available for free.

A clinic for county residents only will be held on Saturday (9/14) at the Spence Ranch Feed and Supply store located at 1291 HWY 49 Angels Camp from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Dogs must be on a leash and cats in carriers.

Residents are encouraged to bring all their pets, as there are no limits on the number. Breeders are not allowed to use this free service. Also, donations will be accepted and greatly appreciated, as they help to keep these free clinic services going. The veterinarian on duty will be Sasha Greenlee, DVM.

Shelter officials remind that all dogs four months and older are required by law to be vaccinated for rabies and licensed in Calaveras County, and the Animal Services office will be open to assist with licensing. Any questions regarding the clinic can be directed to animal services at (209) 754-6509.

Written by Tracey Petersen.

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