Sonora, CA – Two popular Mother Lode Fairs are being impacted by Avian Influenza H5N1, also referred to as “bird flu,” after the state veterinarian issued a ban on poultry and dairy cattle exhibitions at California fairs and shows.
The ban is effective immediately and until further notice. Due to this highly contagious virus, the state is taking this action to minimize the danger of exposing people and non-infected birds and cows and in turn the state’s agricultural sector. As we reported earlier, the significant rise in the virus detected among poultry flocks and dairy herds caused Governor Newsome to declare a state of emergency in California last month. Mother Lode Fair officials relay that due to this, poultry will not be shown at the 2025 Fair. Exhibitors are being asked to reach out to 4-H leaders, FFA Advisors, or the fair’s Junior Livestock Department to explore other projects.
“The Mother Lode Fair’s concern is for public safety as well as the health of our local commercial poultry flocks. This decision has been made early enough to hopefully allow our poultry exhibitors to join another project of interest,” advised Mother Lode Fair officials.
Calaveras County Fair officials also received the same notice and have canceled its fair poultry show. To help safeguard home flocks, they offer the following tips:
This is not the first time poultry shows have been canceled at these fairs. As we reported here in 2020, Virulent Newcastle Disease, a contagious and fatal viral disease of birds and poultry, also forced cancellations in the past.
“While this news is disappointing for our exhibitors, it is a necessary measure to protect the poultry industry from further devastation. Stay informed and take proactive steps to protect your flocks during this challenging time,” stated Calaveras fair officials.
Written by Tracey Petersen.
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