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Smoke Visible During Summit Ranger District Burn

Sonora, CA — Stanislaus National Forest officials want to alert the public that smoke plumes in the skies over the Summit Ranger District in Tuolumne County at the end of the month will be the result of a prescribed burn.

The Experimental Forest Underburn prescribed burn will be ignited about a 1/2 mile south of Pinecrest Lake, along Forest Road 4N10 and adjacent to Crabtree Road. The plan is to burn 61 acres with a low-intensity fire. The acreage will be broken up into sections of 10-49 acres that will be set ablaze daily. The first ignition will begin the last week of this month (Oct. 29th) and continue through November; weather, fuel moisture and air quality conditions permitting. The burn’s focus is to cut down on forest fuels to protect against wildfires and in turn enhance public and firefighter safety.

Motorists driving along highways 4 and 108 may see smoke overhead as well as people in surrounding communities. As a reminder, forest fire officials ask the public not to report this as a wildland fire. Additionally, signs will be posted in the area stating that this is a prescribed fire.

This post was last modified on 10/17/2018 1:57 pm

Written by Tracey Petersen.

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