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Highway Roadwork on Highways 108, 49 and 26

Caltrans urges motorists to be prepared and use caution when driving this
winter. Here is their list of scheduled highway work.

In Tuolumne on Highway 49 at Jack Page Road (see map below) all the way to the Tuolumne/Calaveras county line expect 10 minute delays for an area of one-way traffic control as a Caltrans works on road striping. The work is scheduled between 8PM and 6AM beginning Sunday night and each evening through Friday morning weather permitting.

On Highway 108 in the area of Pinecrest Dump Road and Pinecrest Lake Road expect one-way traffic control for crack sealing work. The work is scheduled Monday through Friday between 8AM and 4PM and delays of 10 minutes are expected.

Work at Highway 108 near 5th Avenue in Jamestown has entered its second phase as reported here. The project has extended its estimated completion date in to January.

On Highway 26 both Wednesday and Thursday at Quail Oaks Drive expect brief closures related to overhead utility work. The work will take place between 7AM and 5PM both days causing about 10 minute delays to traffic in that area.

For Caltrans traffic information for Highway’s 4, 49, 59, 108, and 120 plus a view of traffic on other Mother Lode roads and gas prices click on “Traffic” or keyword: traffic For an overview of extreme weather news stories go here.

Written by Sabrina Biehl.

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Tags: Traffic