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Meeting About Target Shooting In Forest

White Pines, CA — Stanislaus National Forest officials will host an open house next week to talk about a controversial plan to limit target shooting at the Candy Rock Quarry.

Candy Rock Quarry, in the Calaveras Ranger District, is located in an area off Highway 4. Some residential neighbors have complained about the shooting over the past several years. Target shooting at the quarry has been taking place since the 1960’s and predates many of the housing developments. Complaints have generally centered around safety and noise.

The Forest Service is finalizing a proposal that could result in less access for target shooters at the quarry. The tentative notice states, among other things, hours for target shooting be 10 am to 6 pm Monday-Friday; 10 am to 3 pm on Saturdays; and closed on Sundays. It also proposes to prohibit the use of firearms larger than 0.50 caliber and prohibit trap and skeet shooting. It does provide that the Forest Road 4N73Y be opened to allow year round access instead of just from April 15 to December 15.

The open house will be March 19 from 5-8pm at the Independence Hall on Blagen Road in White Pines.

To read more about the issue from the Forest Service, click here.

This post was last modified on 03/13/2012 9:33 am

Written by BJ Hansen.

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