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Winter Storm Watch Issued For The Sierra Nevada

The next in a series of winter-like weather systems will move through northern California this weekend.

The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Storm Watch for the Sierra Nevada above 6,000 feet, which is in effect from Saturday afternoon through late Sunday night.

Total snow accumulations above the 6,000 foot elevation will range from half-a-foot to two feet.

The resulting mountain snow will bring difficult travel impacts to the Sierra Nevada from Saturday afternoon through early Monday as weekend mountain travel will likely be hampered by travel delays and chain controls. If traveling through the Sierra Nevada this weekend, be prepared for winter like conditions.

Winds may gust up to forty mph.

Significant reductions in visibility are possible as wind and mountain snowfall combine.

Conditions will be dangerous to hikers throughout the Sierra Nevada.

More mountain snowfall will be possible next week.

A Winter Storm Watch means there is a potential for significant snow, sleet, or ice accumulations that may impact travel.

Written by Mark Truppner.

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