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Budget Talks On T.U.D. Agenda

The Tuolumne Utilities District proposed budget has shortfall of over $3 million.

The proposed budget includes $13.8 million in spending and over $11 million in revenues. How to bridge the remaining $3.5 million will likely be a discussion topic at the Tuesday evening.
A T.U.D. memo given to the Board of Trustees states, “This shortfall will be funded by existing (sewer) cash reserves. An increase in water revenue is required as soon as possible to ensure that reserves are not totally deleted in less than three years.”

Besides budget talks, the Board will hear an update on the possible consolidation of the Tuolumne City Sanitary District. Tuesday’s meeting begins at 7pm in the T.U.D. meeting room.

This post was last modified on 07/25/2011 2:17 pm

Written by BJ Hansen.

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