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CCWD Pipeline Replacement To Impact Traffic At Forest Meadows

Forest Meadows, CA — CCWD’s ongoing Reach 1 Pipeline Replacement Project on Highway 4 in Calaveras County will be crossing the entrance to Forest Meadows subdivision either this afternoon or tomorrow morning, and spokesperson Joel Metzger says travelers there should be advised.

“That is going to create significant delays for the people that live in the Forest Meadows community. So, our contractor has put some extra traffic control in place, but we still may see people along Highway 4, and people coming out of Forest Meadows, experiencing up to 15-minute delays.”

As for the exact timing, Metzger indicates that the contractors have had some challenges related to rock in the construction area, so it is unclear if they will cross the Forest Meadows entrance later today or tomorrow morning, so travelers should be prepared for either of the possibilities. Forest Meadows is located on Highway 4 above Murphys.

Written by BJ Hansen.

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