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Sonora Artist Wins National Video Contest

The winner of a National Christian music video contest is Sonora resident, Erin O´Shea! O´Shea was KVML´s Wednesday Newsmaker.

O´Shea said, “It was amazing to find out that over one million people viewed my video and voted for song.”

The song, “On My Knees” is the only Christian song on O´Shea´s five song demo CD which she put together as part of her Senior project last year at Sonora High School. A friend familiar with O´Shea suggested that she film a video and submit her song to LivePrayer.com´s Christian Video Contest.

O´Shea filmed the video locally, in front of her house, and submitted it to LivePrayer.com. Within six months over a million people watched the video, listened to her song and voted.

While currently attending Columbia College, O´Shea said that she would eventually like to move to Nashville to pursue a music career.

To watch O´Shea´s video, log onto www.liveprayer.com and click on the Christian Music Artist link.

The Newsmaker of the Day can be heard each weekday morning at 6:47, 7:47 and 8:47 on AM-1450 KVML.

Written by Mark Truppner

This post was last modified on 01/31/2009 1:38 pm