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No Voter Registration Problems In Tuolumne County

Sonora, CA — Unlike many California counties, Tuolumne County is not experiencing any problems with the state´s new voter verification system.

Sincer the outset of the year, voters have been required to provide their driver´s license number, state identification card number of the last four digits of their Social Security number in order to be properly registered. Literally thousands of registation forms are being kicked back because of insufficent or erroroneous information.

Tuolumne County Clerk Debbie Russell says because a standard of utilizing driver´s license numbers was established a number of years ago, Tuolumne County has only had 12 forms out of a total of 32,000 registered voters rejected so far this year.

Written by Bill Johnson

This post was last modified on 01/31/2009 1:52 pm