Grinder Set-Up In Twain Harte Today
If you´ve been wondering how to get rid of those large piles of pine needles and yard debris now that burning permits are suspended, a tub grinder is being brought in to the old Plainview Dump site off Highway 108 at the west entrance to Twain Harte today to grind it up into chips.
The Tuolumne-Calaveras Unit of the CDF is helping sponsor the $90,000 project, funded through the National Fire Plan and the Stanislaus National Forest. Fire officials hope to clear 5,000 private residences to help meet the defensible space requirements.
The pine needles and other vegetation waste will be ground into chips to generate electricity at the Sierra Pacific Industries co-generation plant. Proceeds from the sale of the chips to SPI will be used to offset expenses for the program.