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Make Us Your Homepage Today

Drag this link over your home button to make this site your home page.
If this doesn’t work please find directions below for your specific browser. For directions on how to add a link (looks like an App) to MyMotherLode on your Apple device (iPad, iPhone) click here.

A homepage can change due to SPYWARE. If your homepage keeps changing back to something which you didn’t select, your computer may have caught spyware. Typically the homepage becomes something that’s a nuisance. Also, with spyware you may get annoying popups. Don’t worry, you can fix it. It’s not a virus, so antivirus software doesn’t find it, but anti spyware software does! Ask a Tech explains.

Setting your homepage differs with your Browser. There are many internet browsers below are the most common:

We highly recommend upgrading to newer versions for optimal page load time.

How To Make Your Home Page

Setting your homepage differs with your Browser. There are many internet browsers below are the most common:

Click on the dots in the upper right corner.
Click on “Settings”
Under “On Startup” type in the URL (/) in the text box or you can click on the “Use Current Page” button if you are on MyMotherLode.
Then close that tab.

When you are on Click on the small black arrow beside the house icon.
Select “Add or Change Home Page”.
Select “Use this webpage as your only home page”.
Click Yes.

Click in the upper right corner click on the menu icon (three lines) and choose Options (looks like a round gear)
The General section should open and next to “When Firefox starts: Enter Show my home page
Where it says “Home Page:” manually type the URL (/) in the text box or you can click on the “Use Current Page” button.
Then click ok.

SAFARI BROWSER 4 (or higher):
Click on “General Safari Settings” on the status menu in the far right.
Choose Preferences.
Choose the “General” icon.
In the “Home Page” box, manually type the URL (/).
Then click the red X in the upper right corner to close the window.

More detailed explanations with images:

Contact us at 533-1450 or with our Feedback form at /feedback.

To create an app like icon for on your Apple device open Safari and go to any page you like.
Tap the share icon which looks like this:

Scroll thru the share options until you can tap on the Add to Home Screen button. Review the link and tap the blue Add or the plus sign and an icon for MyMotherLode will display on your device. You may move it around like any other icon.
