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Santa Claus is Coming to Town

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Date(s) - 11/27/2020
5:00 pm - 7:30 pm


Friday and Saturday evenings, a number of reimagined outdoor activities available at the park, include: festive and fun hayrides on motor car trailers, selfie family photo opportunities and interactions with Santa ( who will be aboard a platform on the No 7 Caboose, unique shopping opportunities in a special Pop-up Holiday Car ( at 25 percent occupancy) filled with holiday gift items, as well as a raffle for a special holiday quilt, festive holiday music played on deck and at the historic Roundhouse, and cups of hot cocoa available for purchase. The all in one ticket price is $7 per person (children ages 5 and under free) Hope to see you there.

Railtown State Historic Park is open but only minimally due to the state’s Regional Stay at Home Order to stop the surge of COVID-19 cases and prevent a strain on the health care system. This action will help protect critical care for patients. While the order includes the closure of campground sites in impacted regions, the state also recognizes that mental health is physical health. As such, day-use outdoor areas of park units currently open to the public will remain open. Members of the same household are encouraged to stay local and recreate responsibly in the outdoors. In addition to the day-use and parking area at Railtown the Depot Store and Holiday Baggage Car for shopping is open with limited capacity and face coverings required. Closed at Railtown are; train rides, indoor exhibits, guided tours, special events, and public gatherings.
