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Boxer’s Seat Race Still Not On Voters’ Radar

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San Francisco, CA — State voters are not yet thinking much about next year’s open primary election for retiring U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer’s seat, latest poll findings show.

Almost six in ten likely voters say they are still undecided. Of the announced candidates, Democratic State Attorney General Kamala Harris leads with a showing of 19 percent as the first choice among likely voters, according to The Field Poll. However, 58 percent of likely voters do not yet indicate a preference when asked who they would support from a list of announced or potential candidates in next year’s June open primary.

To date other announced candidates are Democratic Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, Republican Assemblyman Rocky Chavez, and former state Republican Party chair Tom Del Beccaro. Among likely voters, Sanchez, who announced her candidacy last Thursday, is currently the first choice preference of eight percent; Chavez, six percent; and Del Beccaro, five percent.

Also considering Senate bids are Democratic Congressman Xavier Becerra and former state Republican Party chair Duf Sundheim, who come in at three and one percent, respectively.

The poll also queried likely voters for their second choice preferences. When combining each potential candidate’s first and second choice preference numbers, support for Harris and Sanchez increase to 22 and 14 percent, respectively.
