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Cops Beard Up For A Good Cause

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Sonora, CA – There is a hairy situation going on at the Sonora Police Department – literally.

Officers and staff are looking a little scruffy, with beards and long hair, which is a direct violation of the department’s dress code. However, no staff will be penalized as the hair growth is for “No Shave November.” A non-profit web based cancer organization that challenges participants to put down their razors for 30 days and donate their monthly grooming expenses. Scratching his newly grown whiskers, Chief Mark Stinson reports they have added a twist on the rules.  “What we’ve done though…is told them [staff] you have to donate at least $20 and then we will allow you to grow facial hair outside of the department regulations,” states Chief Stinson.

The funds raised will go towards cancer prevention, research, education, and aid cancer patients. The charity chose this unique way to grow cancer awareness in light of the fact that many battling the illness lose their hair.

Members of the SPD have been growing out their hair since Nov. 1 and will continue to go unshaved until Dec. 6, according to Chief Stinson, who clarifies that this event is not just for the men. He reports the women in the department can also getting into the act by not shaving their legs and armpits, but laughingly says, “If they are participating, they will not admit it!”

For more details on the charity, click here.

  • No Shave November
  • Sonora Police Seal