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Parking, Presentations On Angels Council Agenda

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Angels Camp, CA – The City of Angels City Council is likely to make short order of business when it next meets to focus on presentations and consider a no parking zone by Bret Harte High.

An amended agenda for Tuesday’s meeting is missing a previously planned sole regular agenda item that would have considered awarding a parks upgrade project for Utica and Tryon parks to John Allen Construction. Meeting documents indicate that the approval of bids is still pending.

In response to a request by Bret Harte High School administration to improve the sight distance at the school’s exit onto Main Street, the council has scheduled approving the creation of a no parking zone south of the driveway as part of a brief consent agenda. The action, which will eliminate two parking spaces, initially requires simply painting the curb red; however, as Main Street is a state highway, Caltrans will have to review and authorize the zone.

Planning Director David Hanham is scheduled to provide an update on Destination Angels Camp’s recently unveiled property database of available commercial properties for sale and lease; Angels Camp Museum Director Kim Arth will also make a short presentation.

The city’s public works reports a recent pipe break at the Sprayfield resulted in an offsite release of about 50,000 gallons of treated effluent, which required a notification to the state. A water main break on Summit Road last Wednesday required overnight repairs. Crews have completed minor project improvements at both treatment plants. Staff reports that, now that Columbia College is offering a water and wastewater treatment curriculum up to operator level 3 — and plans to expand the coursework further — the college may become a training center alternative for personnel who currently take their coursework in Sacramento.

A review of business license fees, a topic at the council’s last meeting, resulted in a decision for more research, coordination with the business community, and a possible sales tax increase, which the council will address again within the next two months.

The council will likely hold another public hearing on medical pot grows within the city’s jurisdiction at its Feb. 16 meeting, ahead of possibly adopting a temporary ordinance with a set of resolutions that would permit some cultivation.

Tuesday’s meeting will open to the public at 6 p.m. at Angels Fire House (1404 Vallecito Road) following a closed session to discuss lease renewal options with the US Postal Service regarding its downtown location.
