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Gold Rush Days at Columbia State Historic Park

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Date(s) - 09/09/2023
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Columbia State Historic Park


Reserve the second Saturday of every month for Gold Rush Days at Columbia State Historic Park. You’ll get to see inside special exhibits, stores and residences not regularly open to the public. Columbia’s Gold Rush Days is a chance to explore the historic town of Columbia and see it come alive with living history. Throughout town you will discover park docents interpreting what it looked, felt, and sounded like during the California Gold Rush.
Docents in period attire will provide lots of information on the structure of their featured building, nature of its business and equipment, contents of store merchandise, or interior décor of family homes, along with history of the times for visitors. If you’re lucky, the gambling table will be set up on the boardwalk for everyone to try their hand at betting against a mining camp gambler.
