Marketing in a Minute
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Three elements for radio success Three elements for radio advertising success
Creating a 30 or 60 second advertisements Creating a 30 or 60 second advertisements
Reaching a population over 50 Reaching a population over 50
Advertising made easy Advertising made easy
Communicate with 93% of Americans weekly Communicate with 93% of Americans weekly
Coming Back to Radio Coming back to radio
Cooperation Radio’s return on investment All for one and one for all, Cooperation and Radio’s return on investment
Consistent message on Social media and Radio to be effective Consistent message on Social media and Radio to be effective
Common mistakes Common Mistakes when buying Radio
Co-op funds Co-op funds
Fraud on Facebook Wild West fraud on Facebook, MyMotherLode local news
Newspaper print vs MyMotherLode Newspaper print vs local news on MyMotherLode
Hiring with signs vs radio ad Hiring with signs vs radio ad
Google’s flaws Caveat emptor (buyer beware) Google’s flaws
Help clients remember you Frequency, clients will remember you
Everyone’s hiring Everyone’s hiring
Invite Business by Advertising Invite Business, Advertising Made Easy
Less is More Less is More
Mobile Ads Mobile Ads
Social media likes versus loves Social media likes vs. loves
Types of advertising Strategy with four types of advertising
Tourism Tourists ask locals
Time shifting Streaming shows are time-shifted
Target What is your target audience
difficult economic times Cutting Advertising in difficult economic times
Recency Recency and getting results quickly
Return on investment The return on investment for a purchase
Radio is 100 Broadcast radio turns 100 and is getting better
Pitcher Your message overflowing the glass within your budget
Other audio Radio is better than other streaming audio with fresh new content
Your brand Your brand is your profile
Your ad message Your unique ad message
Word of mouth Overcome a bad review
What to advertise What to advertise is an important decision
Uniformity Uniformity, using a few different methods spreads a message too thinly
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