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10 Things You Haven’t Thought Of That’ll Make Your Move Easier

Moving is one of the most stressful activities there is. It’s true – experts put it right up there with getting married – and divorced – and remodeling a house. If you’re getting ready to move or are in the process of buying or selling a house, you may have been thinking about the unpacking and the packing and the change of address and turning on utilities. But there may be a few things you haven’t thought of. These tips can help you make a smooth move.

1. Hook up your cable and internet ASAP

Many utilities require only a phone call to switch them to a new address, but cable/satellite and Internet are a different story. There are a lot of options out there today, but not all of them are necessarily going to be available in your home. Doing the research ahead of time, figuring out what’s best for your home, and making any necessary installation appointments as close to your move-in day (or even before, if you’re us!) will help ease the transition from one home to the other – especially if you have kids. And don’t forget to change your address with Netflix and any other similar services to avoid any interruptions.

2. Find doggy daycare options

Animals don’t always adjust to moves so easily. If you need to place them somewhere to minimize the trauma during the actual move and initial unpacking, you’ll want to do the research and make the arrangements in advance.

3. Pack a box of essentials…

And take it with you. Bring anything you think you’ll need for the first night in your home, and then a few extras in case there’s a holdup with your moving truck and your stuff doesn’t arrive for a few days. If worse comes to worse and your moving truck doesn’t arrive as expected, you want to make sure you have the things you need to get you through at least a few days. Things like:

  • A couple of outfits for everyone for a few days – and don’t forget pajamas!
  • Towels and toiletries – soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, etc.
  • Blankets and pillows
  • Medications for every member of the family – don’t forget about any pet meds you have, too
  • A first aid kit
  • Jewelry and other precious items
  • Chargers
  • Toilet paper and paper towels – you’ll be glad you remembered
  • Paper plates and plastic cups and silverware
  • Dog food and bowls
  • Dog leashes and beds
  • Checkbooks and credit cards
  • Important papers including taxes, passports, social security cards, etc.

You may also want to bring a cooler filled with sandwich fixings and bottled water, plus some snacks like protein bars and peanut butter and crackers. It might be a day or two before you’re able to get to the market, and eating delivery pizza for every meal is going to get old pretty quickly.

4. Think about the kids

A simple deck of cards or a new coloring book and crayons can be lifesavers if you have small kids who are getting bored with all that box carrying.

5. Do your due diligence when it comes to movers

Going with any old mover without checking them out first could end up being a disaster. If you’re not loading up a truck and driving your things to your new house yourself, you’ll want to take a few precautions.

“Get quotes from at least three moving companies, and make sure they do in-home assessments so your quote is as accurate as possible,” said HGTV. “Talk to family and friends for recommendations, or get free moving quotes from websites like”

You’ll also want to research them online. Sites like Consumer Affairs and are a good place to start.

Finally, don’t forget that moving expenses are tax deductible. “Obtain an IRS Change of Address form, Form 8822, by calling (800) 829-1040 or visiting the IRS website. You will be able to download and print form 8822 and most other IRS tax forms; e.g., Form 3903 to help deduct moving expenses,” said HGTV.

6. Sign up on Nextdoor

Nextdoor is a great way to network in your new neighborhood for things like babysitters and handymen and garage sales and the aforementioned doggy day care. Signing up when you’re moving in will also alert neighbors who may become new friends.

7. Leave the clicker!

If it’s attached to the visor in your car, you may forget and take it with you.

8. Change the locks

You never know who out there could have a copy of your house key. It’s a good idea to change the locks before you move in so you don’t have to worry that the cousin of the friend of the girlfriend of the guy who used to live in your house has an easy way in.

9. Call a cleaning service

Most people clean before they move out, thankfully, but it might not be up to your standards. Plus, there’s just something about moving into a freshly cleaned place. If your realty company didn’t already take care of a move-in cleaning, you’re going to want to.

10. Find a doctor and dentist

If someone gets sick or needs medical attention in your new neighborhood, you want to make sure you know where to take them without having to Google the nearest random doctor. This is another place Nextdoor will come in handy.

Written by Jaymi Naciri for Copyright © 2023 Realty Times All Rights Reserved.
