SUpervisor for District 2, which includes: Soulsbyville, Willow Springs, Crystal Falls, Phoenix Lake Country Club Estates; Brentwood Park, areas North of Big Hill Road, and Cedar Ridge. Features in District Two include a significant portion of the Stanislaus National Forest, the Carson Iceberg Wilderness and a portion of Big Trees State Park.
Since 2016, I have been helping the Tuolumne County Office of Emergency Services build and implement a program to offset the dangerous effects of the western pine bark beetle and the resulting death of thousands of trees near our homes and roads. With the help of our phenomenal county staff, and in coordination with state and federal agencies like CAL FIRE, Cal OES and the US Forest Service, our department has successfully administered millions in tree mortality funds and removed more than 7,000 hazardous dead trees. I took the lead in applying for more than $1.6 million in California Climate Investment funding to remove fire fuels along our county roads, and create defensible space around our homes. I love my job, and every day I strive to find ways to keep my friends and neighbors safe, while being a good steward of taxpayer dollars.