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In the early 1990’s President Bill Clinton said: “We must say ‘no’ to illegal immigration so we can continue to say ‘yes’ to legal immigration.” At the same time he called for Congress to “protect our borders, remove criminal aliens, reduce work incentives for illegal immigration and stop asylum abuse.”

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Albert Einstein advised us to “Try not to be a man of success, but rather a man of value.”


It’s been said that “Fame and tranquility are two things that cannot live under the same roof.”


French painter Georges Braque said: “Truth exists; only lies are invented.”


If corporations like Apple, Delta, Coca-Cola and even Hollywood studios are so concerned about equality that they are threatening to leave states that are legitimately tightening up their election laws against voter fraud, why are they all still doing business in China whose actions in Hong Kong and against Muslim minorities are clearly repressive?


Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl said, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.”


In Washington you can call a pig by any other name, but it’s still Pork. Less than 10% of the $1.9 trillion “Coronavirus Bill” went to actually getting shots in arms; and only around 30% of the coming so-called “Infrastructure Bill” will be going to building or repairing roads, fixing bridges, strengthening the power grid and other long neglected, true infrastructure projects. And, speaking of Pork Barrel Politics, shame on both Parties for bringing back the earmarks that we had hoped were long dead.