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Western novelist Larry McMurtry said: “Yesterday’s gone down the river, and you can’t get it back.”


Irish statesman and philosopher Edmund Burke said: “No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.”


Abraham Lincoln called “tact” “…the ability to describe others as they see themselves.”


On what is usually a most Taxing Day, we note that one-half of all taxpayers pay 97% of all taxes in the U.S.; and that the reviled “1%,” while doing quite well by making almost 20% of all taxable income, do pay more than their “fair share” by accounting for more that 37% of all taxes.


Four short years ago, when it was President Trump calling for an end to the filibuster, it was none other than Chuck Schumer who called The legislative filibuster “the most important distinction between the Senate and the House.” And now Senator Elizabeth Warren, who used that tactic against Senator Tim Scott’ police-reform bill, laughably calls that tactic “racist.”