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To the Republicans who joined their Democrat friends in re-instituting the legislative/budget porkfest known as “earmarks” we remind them that the late Tom Coburn of Oklahoma called “earmarks” the “gateway drug” to big spending. And, we would add, that it will call for more and more taxes to support that habit.


Theodore Roosevelt claimed that “Courage is not having the strength to go on; it is going on when you don’t have the strength.”


According to an Irish saying: “If you buy what you don’t need, you might have to sell what you do.”


Journalist and historian Herbert Sebastian Agar once noted that “The truth which makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear.”


If Senate Democrats kill the filibuster as they are threatening to, here’s what we could get in short order: massive tax hikes; federalized election laws ignoring State’s rights and contravening the Constitution; mandatory unionization in 27 states with Right to Work Laws; two perennial Democrat-leaning new states with Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. which also disregards the Constitution; and the impractical and wildly expensive to the middle class “Green New Deal.” The Filibuster exists to protect the minority’s rights, which Republicans upheld when they held the majority.


So, what was the rush? The TUD boards sudden decision to terminate GM Ed Pattison without caused by 3-1-1 vote while in the middle of critical water rights negotiations with PG&E as well as capital improvement project smacks of the political activism that we have seen with other actions and statements made by these three board members Pattison is done much for the future of water in Tuolumne county something directors Ballen, Ringen, and Murphy claim that they are concerned about. We are even more concerned that this action clearly marked their intentions to limit grow, by limiting the availability of water.


According to writer James Michener, “There are no insoluble problems. Only time-consuming ones.”