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According to the late Hank Aaron, his motto was “… to always keep swinging.” “Whether I was in a slump or playing badly or having trouble off the field, the only thing to do was to keep swinging.”


Someone once pointed out that “We have millions of laws to enforce ten commandments.”


Ronald Reagan said: “The person who agrees with you 80% of the time is a friend and ally, not a 20% traitor.”


How can we insist on an open internet free from government interference and censorship in decidedly un-free countries like China and Iran, and then turn around and support the actions of Apple, Google, Facebook and Twitter in stifling participant’s voices by cutting off internet access including web hosting to certain individuals and websites that they deem to be inappropriate, forcing them to relocate to Russian service providers?


Coach John Wooden claimed that “A player that makes a team great is more valuable than a great player.”


Well, as we feared, the “No Growthers” have taken over the TUD Board and they took “No Action,” despite staff’s recommendation to approve, on a development at the Pedro Y under the guise of “conserving resources.” The impact on water consumption, and this is according to the TUD, was equivalent to only four households or one-one hundredths of one percent of total capacity. The big question is what’s next, a complete building moratorium? Is this weaponization of water really in the best interest of Tuolumne County? We need to do all we can to revitalize the COVID economy.


As Will Rogers once noted: “The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking spaces.”


According to Columbian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez, “It is not true that people stop pursing dreams because they grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.”