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Kudos to both the Democratic Governor of Wisconsin who quickly called out the national guard to quell the violent protests in Kenosha over the police shooting of Jacob Blake; and the Mayor of Kenosha who said “There is a process to investigate the shooting. The destruction of our city does nothing to assist with the investigation.” And praise especially for Mr. Blake’s mother who said that the violence and destruction “doesn’t reflect my son or my family.”


According to writer Corrie ten Boom “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength.


English humorist and playwright E.V. Lucas claimed that “I am a believer in punctuality, though it makes me a lonely person.”


Joe Biden called President Trump’s partial suspension of the payroll tax the “first shot in a new, reckless war on Social Security.” And, while we agree that it’s a zero-sum game, we do feel that perhaps he and his wife should not be using a personal corporate structure to avoid paying those same taxes on $13.3 million in book royalties and speaking fees.


Joe Biden called President Trump’s partial suspension of the payroll tax the “first shot in a new, reckless war on Social Security.” And, while we agree that it’s a zero-sum game, we do feel that perhaps he and his wife should not be using a personal corporate structure to avoid paying those same taxes on $13.3 million in book royalties and speaking fees.


Homicides are up this year by an average of 524% in the nation’s fifty largest cities, a statistic NOT helped by bail-reform, early release programs and efforts to “defund” and neuter police departments nationwide.


Way back in 2011, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo opined that “You are kidding yourself if you think you can be one of the highest-taxed states, have a reputation for being anti-business and have a rosy economic future.” For the sake of New York, we wish he’d meant it. And for the sake of California, we hope Gavin Newsome takes note of that fact.


Chicago Bears Coach George Halas said: "Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it."