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Interesting side note to the statue in Washington entitled “Emancipation” that special interest groups want to remove; it was voluntarily paid for by black Freedmen moved by the assassination of Lincoln. And while we’re on the subject, where is Joe Biden or the Democratic leadership in condemning the ignorance of tearing down statues honoring our Founding Fathers, the distinguished black Union regiment of the Civil War or that of abolitionist Hans Christian Heg.


Journalist and historian Herbert Agar believed that “Every civilization rests on a set of promises…if the promises are broken too often, the civilization dies, no matter how rich it may be, or how mechanically clever. Hope and faith depend upon the promises; if hope and faith go, everything goes.”


Back before Democrats vilified capitalism, or rioters destroyed businesses regardless who owned it, it was Democratic Senator and Vice President Hubert Humphrey who said: “Much of our American progress has been the product of the individual who had an idea; pursued it; fashioned it; clung to it against all odds; and then profited from it.”


“The keynote of progress,” American businessman and philanthropist Edward A Filene reminds us, “is not merely doing away with what is bad; it is replacing the best with something better.”


Author Jonathan Swift believed that “It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing that he was never reasoned into.”


As someone recently pointed out, "Life is all about how you handle plan B"


T.S. Eliot wrote: “Only those that risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”


Writer Rudyard Kipling believed that “He who faces no calamity gains no courage.”


It’s interesting to note that while protestors here at home in our major and minor cities destroyed private property and public monuments while restricting the rights of others by their actions, protestors in Hong Kong have been observed waving an American Flag as a symbol of freedom.


Dalai Lama XIV "There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called Yesterday and the other is called Tomorrow."


Harper Lee "The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience."


It has been noted that running away from your problems is a race you will never win.


Ronald Reagan — 'Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.