Sabrina Biehl
Born a 10th generation Oregonian, (5 generations on each side) I have an enthusiasm for learning and teaching new things. After a ten year mini career in the dental field I moved on to research and embraced the social web. Though the internet is far too large for any one person to claim to be an expert, I can hold my own with the latest trends.
I enjoy researching and writing blogs. As the "Internet Program Director" for since 2008, I update the website and have a wide variety of interests. There is always something entertaining, educational or inspirational to share.
Screenwriter Tibby Clarke once noted that “It is harder to be a good winner than a good loser – one has less practice.”10/27/22
As British minister J.H. Jowett once observed, “The real measure of our wealth is how much we should be worth if we lost all out money.”10/26/22
Dale Carnegie advised us to not “…be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs.”10/25/22
Ballot Measure X calls for an additional sales tax of 1% in unincorporated areas of the county for 10 years dedicating the tax revenue as follows: 40% for the sheriff's department; 40% for fire services; and 20% for roads. While most agree that all governmental bodies could do a better job managing their expenses versus revenues, the fact is that less than 50% of the county’s budget is discretionary; the balance is spent on state mandated issues and Tuolumne County has fallen far behind our neighbors in Public Safety salaries making it nearly impossible for the Sherriff to staff up to patrol all of the county’s poorly maintained roads. We make the rare recommendation of voting “YES” on this additional tax that sunsets in 10 years.10/24/22
“An honest heart being the first blessing,” noted Thomas Jefferson, “a knowing head is the second.”Growing the Great Pumpkin
Jim Bliss, UCCE Master Gardener