Sabrina Biehl
Born a 10th generation Oregonian, (5 generations on each side) I have an enthusiasm for learning and teaching new things. After a ten year mini career in the dental field I moved on to research and embraced the social web. Though the internet is far too large for any one person to claim to be an expert, I can hold my own with the latest trends.
I enjoy researching and writing blogs. As the "Internet Program Director" for since 2008, I update the website and have a wide variety of interests. There is always something entertaining, educational or inspirational to share.
Singer Ella Fitzgerald said, “It isn’t where you came from, it’s where you’re going that counts.”10/5/22
We’d refer the rioters and violent protestors of the past two years to English writer and theater critic Kenneth Tynan who once noted that “We shall be judged by what we do, not by how we felt when we were doing it.”10/4/22
Former Indiana governor Mitch Daniels is president of Purdue University. He writes that when the federal government took over the loan program in 2010, President Obama claimed it would turn a profit of $68 billion stating that “we are finally undertaking meaningful reform in our higher education system.” Instead, with student debt forgiveness that flagrantly ignores the Constitution, which authorizes only Congress to spend money, President Biden has added hundreds of billions to the federal debt. Daniels notes that college costs are inflated as schools continue to pocket federal subsidies and he believes that colleges should always have been at some risk for any non-repayments by graduates.10/3/22
Poet George Eliot believed that “Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our needs.”
Food Forests
Diane Miller, UCCE Master Gardener