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President Martin Van Buren said: “It is easier to do a job right thank to explain why you didn’t.”


As Herb Cohn once noted: “Money talks, but it doesn’t always tell the truth.”


In California, one half of one percent of taxpayers paid 40% of the state’s income tax in 2019. That’s twice as bad as at the federal level where, nationally, it’s the top one percent that pays 40% of federal income tax.


The recent conference of financial poohbahs in Davos, Switzerland has been called the World Economic forum “Where billionaires gather to tell millionaires how to live.”


Judge Douglas Ginsberg in commenting on the “genius” of representative democracy notes that “We’re all disappointed on some aspects and satisfied on some other, and we accept that as authoritative because it was reached through a democratic process.” And, we would add, that’s the problem when a President, ANY President, whether Democrat or Republican, governs through fiat by executive order. The democratic process is taken out of the equation.


Helen Keller said, “Life is either a great adventure or nothing.”