Sabrina Biehl
Born a 10th generation Oregonian, (5 generations on each side) I have an enthusiasm for learning and teaching new things. After a ten year mini career in the dental field I moved on to research and embraced the social web. Though the internet is far too large for any one person to claim to be an expert, I can hold my own with the latest trends.
I enjoy researching and writing blogs. As the "Internet Program Director" for since 2008, I update the website and have a wide variety of interests. There is always something entertaining, educational or inspirational to share.
It’s been said that “Occasional failure is the price of improvement.”3/19/22
Sportscaster Red Barber claimed that “Tradition” is very often an excuse word for people who don’t want to change.”3/18/22
As comedian George Carlin once observed, “Just when I found out the meaning of life, they changed it.”3/17/22
From an Irish Proverb: “May you have the hindsight to know where you’ve been, the foresight to know where you are going, and the insight to know when you have gone too far.”3/16/22
“Opinions are made to be changed,” claimed poet Lord Byron, “or how is the truth to be got at?”3/15/22
According to financier and statesman Bernard Baruch, “Most anyone will admit that he couldn’t conduct a symphony, perform an appendectomy or even run an automobile factory – but rarely do we find a man who doesn’t think he can handle a big government job.”3/14/22
A goal that is not written down is merely a dream.
Weeds For A Green Salad
Julie Silva, UCCE Master Gardener