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When it comes to court packing, or court expansion as its been rebranded by progressives, Princeton professor Keith Whittingham notes that a judiciary independent from the legislature is critical. That is why judges have life tenure, cannot have their salaries reduced, and their rulings on constitutional matters cannot be appealed to elected officials. The current size of the Supreme Court has been this way since 1869 despite FDR's efforts to decrease it in the 30s, and there is no reason to change it now.


One of the sanest, surest, and most generous joys of life comes from being happy over the good fortune of others.” Archibald Rutledge


Dr. Norman Vincent Peale said: “Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.”


Writer and philosopher Elbert Hubbard’s believed that in order to avoid criticism you have to “…do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.”


As Amelia Earhart once observed, “It is far easier to start something than it is to finish it.”


Iran has restarted and ramped up its uranium enrichment; China continues to crackdown on its citizen’s rights in Hong Kong and threatens Tawain’s independence; while Russia threatens Ukraine by mobilizing troops near its borders. The bad actors of the world clearly do not feel that the current administration is any threat to their aggressions. Sad, especially during this presumed season of peace.