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Apollo 11 astronaut Michael Collins who passed away month pronounced his own epitaph: “We survived hazardous careers and we were successful in them. But in my own case at least, it was 10% shrewd planning and 90% blind luck. Put LUCKY on my tombstone.”


Virgil said: “Come what may, all bad fortune is to be conquered by endurance.”


As photographer Diane Arbus notes, “The thing that’s important to know is that you never know.” You’re always sort of feeling your way.”


“I can’t tell you how to get rich quickly,” the Hungarian stockbroker trader Andre’ Kostolany liked to say. “I can only tell you how to get poor quickly: By trying to get rich quickly.”


According to writer Eudora Welty, “Never think you’ve seen the last of anything.”


The $1.8 trillion American Families Plan introduced in broad strokes last week is more accurately called the plan to make the middle class dependent on government from cradle to grave. The goal is to expand the entitlement state to make Americans rely on government and the political class for everything they don’t already provide.