Sponsored By: Anniversary

I have worked for Clarke Broadcasting for over two years now and participated in the turn over from the old to the All New. We seem to announce changes on April 1st (April Fools) but not this year! We are here, this is our homepage and we love it. Welcome all who are checking in with us!

Change is never easy and I have a certain level of nostalgia for the old website. I can’t say I miss it because it was so complex that only the programmers could truly “know” it.

The new website is coming into its own with improvements behind us, like to the weather section, and improvements ahead. Mostly we miss the old navigation we called the “Toy” that was the box in the upper right that changed each day and allowed certain sections and local events to be promoted.

With myMotherLode now completely interactive:

  • Readers are speaking their mind in more and more news comments (and they have a lot to say!)
  • The local yellow page listings are updated by the companies that are listed there.
  • The classifieds are great, I posted my freezer in under 5 minutes and it is a very detailed listing!

News comments are moderated twice a weekday and when I check in out of curiosity on the weekend- I really do love my job! We do want to keep the comments family friendly but I like a place for true free speech- love it, exercise your right to use it!

The classifieds offer a ton of detail and you can view items and sell through the whole network. For me classifieds continue to provide a battle ground but I have many tools at my disposal to block spam and fraud The Friends of Animal Control have been very helpful in the pet section. I can always use help, flag and report classifieds spammers and keep in mind everything but the big items, homes, cars and jobs are free! You can even post free stuff (give away) stuff for free. The best way to sell online is with a photo- people want to see what you have before they act on it. Don’t forget ads are current! Do renew your ad, and check back for new listings often. I saw this great rug that I wanted but when I checked back it was gone!

I am most proud that those of us who run the website are right here in Sonora. No outsourcing, don’t be afraid to use the feedback button. If there is any link or feature out of place I want to mend it! The idea, the effort, the organization, the daily feedback from locals keeps me feeding articles to this baby of mine. Many thanks to everyone and KNXS who makes it all possible!

Happy birthday ;-)
