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Thinking About an End of Year Donation?

As we come down the home stretch of 2015, the Sonora Area Foundation closes an important chapter of our own book after celebrating twenty five years as a community foundation serving Tuolumne County and the City of Sonora. And what a year it has been – our grant making just for 2015 is on schedule to exceed $2.3 million in grant awards benefiting individuals and organizations throughout the County.

If you are thinking about making an end of the year donation but are not sure what to support, I would encourage you to think local and make that donation to benefit one of the worthy non-profit organizations serving our community.

As a community foundation, the Sonora Area Foundation exists to help donors like you to identify where needs are the greatest and a cause you can believe in. We hold over 170 donor funds that help to support a wide range of categories.

If human services is of concern – how about a donation to the Lucille Arnold Fund or the Art and Fritzi Hender Memorial Fund, both serving to benefit at-risk youth of our community.

Arts and culture? We have funds benefiting Sierra Repertory Theatre, Stage 3 Theatre, or the Mrs. Pringle Music Fund for classical music appreciation in K – 8.

Perhaps education is your cause? We hold almost eighty scholarship funds that award over $200,000 per year to our local students, including the recently established Bryce Matthew Sanguinetti Memorial Scholarship, honoring one of Tuolumne County’s own taken away from us much too soon.

How about the environment or animals – we have funds for Mother Lode Wildlife Care, Rose Wolf Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation, or Trail Me About It to improve non-motorized trails.

I could go on but I’m sure that you get it at this point. There are a lot of needs in Tuolumne County and a lot of local, non-profit organizations that can use your help to address those needs.

If you are still not sure, take a look at the list of donor funds (click on the “Donor” tab on the left side of the home page) on our website at Or give Lin, Cathi or I a call at 533-2596, drop me an e-mail at, or stop by the Foundation office at 362 S. Stewart Street.

You know your cause – let’s find the right place for that donation. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at the Sonora Area Foundation!
