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Voting for President 2024

March 5, 2024, Presidential Primary Election
In a Presidential Primary, voters registered with a political party will receive a ballot containing the presidential contest and only the presidential candidates for the party they are registered. All other contests will list all candidates regardless of party affiliation.

If you are registered as an Independent, Decline to State, or No Party Preference voter, you will receive a nonpartisan ballot, which will not include the presidential contest. However, you do have the option to select a party ballot and not change your political party permanently. This is called crossover voting.

There are currently six certified political parties in California. Each of these parties has their own presidential candidates.
• American Independent Party
• Democratic Party
• Green Party
• Libertarian Party
• Peace & Freedom Party
• Republican Party

What is Crossover Voting?
Voters not registered with a political party, aka Independent/Other/No Party Preference/Unknown, have the option to “crossover” to a party ballot that allows for “crossovers.” Not all parties allow for this, and each presidential election the parties must opt in. The parties allowing “crossovers” are American Independent, Democratic, and Libertarian.
If voters registered as Other/No Party Preference/Unknown choose not to crossover, they will receive a ballot without the presidential contest listed.

How do I Receive a Crossover Ballot?
A postcard will be mailed to you if you are not currently registered with a political party.
1. Request a crossover –
a. Return the crossover postcard selecting your choice of party for the presidential contest.
b. Email with your party selection, include your full name and residence address
c. Call us toll free at (833)-536-8683
2. Re-register- do this if your party of choice does not allow crossover voting.
3. Nothing- you will receive a ballot with no presidential candidates. All other contests will be listed.
