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Early Winter Repotting Demo at Bonsai Club

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Date(s) - 11/03/2018
9:30 am - 12:00 pm


With fall’s cooler temperatures around the Sierra foothills, many bonsai hobbyists are ready to get started with their tree repotting projects. Mother Lode Bonsai Club’s sensei (teacher), Joan Scroggs will present ideas on this topic at the free demonstration, immediately following the club’s 9:00 a.m. meeting on Saturday, November 3 at he San Andreas Central Library, 1299 Gold Hunter Road (off Mountain Ranch Road) in San Andreas.
“But wait until the first frost,” she cautioned. “It’s too early to do serious repotting right now. Your trees need to be dormant in order to handle the stress of root pruning.” As such, her demonstration will be on a tropical ficus, which can tolerate year ‘round repotting due to its consistent climate and environment.
Scroggs has been a serious bonsai hobbyist for more than 40 years and received informal training in this living art form in Japan in 1996. In addition, she has had extensive formal bonsai education under several world renowned masters, including Yasuo Mitsuya, Kathy Shaner, Boon Manakitivipart and Johnny Uchida. A number of her bonsai works are permanently displayed in the prestigious Bonsai Garden at Lake Merritt, the Golden State Bonsai Federation’s museum exhibit at the Lakeside Garden Center in Oakland.
Membership in the Mother Lode Bonsai Club is open to everyone, regardless of levels of experience. For more information, contact Richard McKinstry, club president at (209) 288-2330 or go online to
