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TuCARE Annual Dinner & Auction

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Date(s) - 03/08/2025
5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Sonora Elks Lodge


On March 8, 2025, Tuolumne County Alliance for Resources & Environment (TuCARE) will hold their Annual Dinner and Auction. The event is an opportunity for members and the public to gather, enjoy a great dinner, have fun at the silent and live auctions, and be entertained and educated by a keynote speaker. Proceeds from the auctions go to support TuCARE’s “Tours for Kids” programs and other TuCARE initiatives. This year marks the organization’s 36th annual event.

Event website:

This years Keynote Speaker will be:
Darrell Slocum
CEO, Sonora Area Foundation
Darrell will be talking about the local initiative that supports High School Seniors and College Certificated Technical Education programs such as forestry and heavy equipment certification.

We are also looking for local businesses who would like to donate silent or live auction items to our event. This is a great way to promote your business while supporting a great cause. Auction items could be gift certificates, gift baskets, auction items, or just a monetary donation to the event, which could be used to purchase an item. All auction items will show who they were donated by, and there will be a donor list posted as well to thank all our donors. If you would like to donate an auction item, please call or email me at the information below.

TuCARE is a community based non-profit organization founded in 1988. Our membership is made up of a cross-section of our community including local business persons, educators, retirees, and those actively engaged in working daily with our local natural resources. TuCARE supports multiple use of the many natural resources on our federal lands. Multiple-use policies allow everyone to benefit.

Tickets for the Dinner are $50 if purchased before February 28th, and $60 after February 28th.
Tickets purchased prior to February 28th will be mailed along with auction information. Tickets purchased after February 28th will be held at the door for pickup.


To purchase tickets online, click the link below:
(tickets purchased online will have a $1.50 transaction fee included)

Or Contact:
Amy Dunlap
Executive Director and Education Coordinator

To purchase a sponsorship (2’x4′ Banner + tickets), see information below and contact:
Contact Amy Dunlap

Sponsorship Options:
Promotional banners need to be provided to TuCARE no later than Monday March 3
$250 : includes display of a 2’x4′ promotional banner at the event
$500 : 2’x4′ promotional banner + 2 tickets
$1000 : 2’x4′ promotional banner + 4 tickets with preferred, reserved seating
$1500 : 2’x4′ promotional banner + 6 tickets with preferred, reserved seating
$2500 : 2’x4′ promotional banner + 8 tickets with preferred, reserved seating
