Round-Up Queens 2022-2011
2022 Mother Lode Round-Up Queen
Twenty-year-old Rumsey was born and raised and continues to live in Sonora. She attends both Columbia College and Modesto Junior College, where she is working towards an Animal Science Degree.
Rumsey has several horses (her favorite is a chestnut, chocolatey-brown male named “Tucker”), an older brother and two younger sisters. Rumsey was named Junior Round-Up Queen in 2017.
Rumsey says, “It is going to be a busy week, I don’t know what my favorite part is going to be, but I’m definitely looking forward to the parade and rodeo. There is nothing like the Grand Entry at the beginning of the Rodeo.” She also stated how much she appreciates all of the Posse members for working very hard to make the Round-Up happen this year.
2020 Mother Lode Round-Up Queen
Due to measures to limit the spread of Covid the 2020 and 2021 Round-Up was canceled. Grace Davis and Rebecca Butler were the contestants. Rayna Rogers remained Round-Up Queen through 2021 and will hand over the job in 2022.
General Chairman Audie Archer says, “It’s a sad thing that in 63 years something like this has happened and we never dreamed anything like this would happen where we can’t put on the event for the community….and it’s hard on all of us because we all work so hard, the Posse, Posse wives, Queen contestants, the sponsors large and small, we thank them dearly for what they do.”
2019 Mother Lode Round-Up Queen
16-year-old Rayna Rogers of Jamestown was announced as the 2019 Mother Lode Roundup Queen at the coronation ceremony held last night at the Sheriff’s Posse Grounds.
Rogers also was recognized for horsemanship, congeniality, and speech, while opponent Lynsey Gookin won honors for interview skills and being most photogenic.
Rogers jokes, “During the entire time, I was just holding my breath, and I couldn’t breathe.”
Rogers, a junior at Sonora High School, was then announced the winner, and the crowd burst into applause.
She is the daughter of Chris and Shasta Rogers, and her sister, Karissa, was the 2016 Roundup Queen.
Looking ahead, she says, “It is going to be a busy week, I don’t know what my favorite part is going to be, but I’m definitely looking forward to the parade and rodeo on Saturday.
2018 Mother Lode Round-Up Queen and Junior Queen
Rachelle Snitchler is the new Mother Lode Roundup Queen and Opal Cahoon is the Junior Queen.
The coronation ceremony was held Sunday evening at the Sonora Opera Hall.
Snitchler, 23, is from Valley Springs, and is currently attending Sacramento City College. She plans to later attend Boise State University to pursue a bachelors’ degree in communications. Her horsemanship activities include taking lessons, trail rides, participating in queen competitions and mentoring. She was also the 2016 Miss Rodeo Oakdale.
Snitchler says, “When I heard my name called to be the 2018 Mother Lode Roundup Queen I was so ecstatic because this has been not only a dream, but a goal of mine, since I was little. I’m so excited to be walking in the same boots as a lot of my role models.”
First runner up was Samantha Smith, second runner up was Victoria Smith and third runner up was Tommi Cover.
The Junior Queen, Cahoon, is an eighth grade student at Oakdale Junior High. She participates in school choir, and enjoys swimming, crafts and hanging out with friends. Her horse related activities include gymkhana, jumping, polo, horse shows and teaching young kids to ride.
2017 Mother Lode Round-Up Queen and Junior Queen
Mary MacKenzie Suess was crowned the 2017 Mother Lode Round-Up Queen. On Sunday Night, Suess also won the Horsemanship Award, Photogenic Award, High Ticket Sales Award, Appearance Award, Congeniality Award and the Written Test Award.
Suess has participated in every Mother Lode Round-Up Parade since she was four years old. “I was being pulled in a little red wagon in that first one. I’ve been in the Round-Up Parade each year, for a variety of reasons, ever since”, said Suess.
Suess said that her parents have been the most supportive people throughout this competition. She has three older brothers, one of whom is in the Tuolumne County Sheriff’s Posse. Suess added, “He and I got to walk the night of Coronation together. It was a special moment going on stage with him.” Suess also has an eighteen-year-old American Quarter Horse named Tess.
Currently attending Columbia College, Suess said that she is working towards her Associates in Business Administration with a focus on Accounting. Eventually, she would like to attend Feather River College and further her education with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Equine and Ranch Management.
The first runner-up was Taylor Mossa who won the Peoples Choice Award, Speech Award and Interview Award.
Kaitlyn Rumsey, 15, of Sonora, is the Mother Lode Round-Up Jr. Queen, she also received an award for High Ticket Sales. She is the daughter of Jody and David Rumsey and is a sophomore at Sonora High School. She has six horses, an older brother, an older sister and two younger sisters.
Rumsey is a member of the Sonora High Golden Regiment Band and enjoys riding horses and competing in trail trials, trail challenges, cowboy racing and cowboy challenges. She’s a member of the California State Horsemen’s Association and Back Country Horsemen Mid Valley Unit. Her future plans include attending University of California, Davis, to become a veterinarian.
Runner-Up Junior Queen was Ginna Hahn, won awards for Appearance, Horesmanship and Interview.
The coronation ceremony for Mother Lode Roundup Queen and Junior Queen was held during the 60th Anniversary Celebration on May 7 at the Mother Lode Fairgrounds.
2016 Mother Lode Round-Up Queen and Junior Queen
Karissa Rogers, a 16-year-old Junior at Sonora High School was named the queen, and Shyanne Clopton, a 15-year-old Freshman also at Sonora High, is the Junior Queen.
This is the first year the Posse implemented the Junior Queen competition. The inaugural winner, Clopton adds, “I’m definitely looking forward to the rodeo, and at the parade being able to see all the little kids running up and down the street, and having a good time.”
Rogers says when she was crowned “It was the first time I ever cried tears of joy. I’ve known the Posse for 16 years, so I felt so happy.” After the Mother Lode Round-Up she plans to attend several other rodeos in the months ahead.
2015 Mother Lode Round-Up Queen

Paige Ryan is a 2012 graduate of Kansas State University, and is preparing for her Masters Degree from Stanford University. She is the daughter of John and Jackie Ryan.
2014 Mother Lode Round-Up Queen

Sylvana Talamantes was crowned the queen in front of a packed house last night at the Sonora Opera Hall Sunday night.
“The girls that I competed against were amazing contestants,” said Talamantes. “I truly feel like I made a bond with them. It was wonderful contest and I feel I’m extremely blessed.”
Talamantes, 18, is a senior at Oakdale High School. She was also the 2012 La Grange Rodeo Queen. Other contestants were Courtney Blackmore, Evon Meckler, Paige Ryan and Rachelle Snitchler.
2013 Mother Lode Round-Up Queen
Lorna Job, of Sonora, is a junior at Summerville Connections Academy. After she graduates she plans to study equine Veterinary Medicine at UC Davis. Lorna was born and raised in Tuolumne County and has been riding horses since she could walk. She was the youngest competitor for the round up Queen title this year and this was the first year she was old enough to qualify.
Lorna graduated Sierra Waldorf School with a 4.3 GPA. Her favorite activities include competitive rock climbing, softball, acting, singing, playing the piano, and many horse-related activities. Furthermore, she has won numerous awards in competitive rock climbing, performed in 13 plays, played piano in the Sonora Bach Festival and completed two piano levels of the Merit Guild. She was the Mother Lode Fair Green Horse All-Around Champion in 2008 and a member of the 2012-13 Academic Decathlon.
Lorna says, “Many of my friends and mentors have been past queens in the Mother Lode on up to Miss Rodeo California. I have dreamed of being a rodeo queen growing up and I have been watching and waiting for my turn to take a shot at representing the Mother Lode.”
2012 Mother Lode Round-Up Queen
Howell has two brothers and two sisters and has been involved in high school volleyball, swim and soccer. She is a member of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church. Her future plans include attending college and majoring in business or communications.
Howell’s interests include rodeo, skiing, running and promoting athletics to youth. She also enjoys showing horses, camping, hiking, coaching and trail riding.
Howell has competed in numerous horse cutting events, barrel racing and pole bending including two years in the high school rodeo circuit. She has also participated in 4-H and gymkhana and received numerous equestrian-related awards and recognitions.
Howell said she has carried sponsor flags in past rodeos and she has ridden her horse in the Mother Lode Roundup Parade 13 times. “I missed my first rodeo in Sonora because I was 1-day-old. I haven’t missed one since.”
She added, “being part of this western tradition in Tuolumne County is a highlight for me every year. Competing for the title of Mother Lode Roundup Queen just seems natural.”
2011 Mother Lode Round-Up Queen
“Cat” Gulizea, of Arnold, is a sophomore at Feather River College where she plans to graduate this spring with associate degree of science in equine studies and agricultural business. She has been barrel racing for Feather River College for one year. With her two degrees, she hopes to transfer to Fresno State University to earn a bachelor of science degree in animal science with an emphasis on equine studies, then possibly enter the field of equine dentistry.
Cat was the second runner up in the 2011 California Cowboys Professional Rodeo Association queen contest, winning the photogenic, congeniality and appearance competitions; was 2009 Calaveras County Saddle Queen, 2009 Bret Harte Homecoming Princess, 2009, Italia Scholarship winner, second place in Bret Harte High School’s 2009 Pencil Art show, 2006 Bret Harte Freshman Princess.
Cat said several past Roundup queens have been her inspiration since she entered the Calaveras County Saddle Queen competition, and she would like to help and inspire others in the same way.
“I believe it is our responsibility to keep traditions alive,” she said, “and I feel it is my obligation to run. It’s more than a pageant to me, it’s a rite of passage. It has been my dream to participate and to walk in the boots of those who have gone before me.”